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TAMIS Registration for an Individual - Step By Step Guide

*UPDATE* - ALL CONTRIBUTORY PENSIONERS HAVE BEEN REGISTERED IN TAMIS. If you're a contributory pensioner, simply contact us for your TIN at 535-8239.

With TAMIS, your national registration number is no longer your Tax Identification Number (TIN). In order to receive your new TIN, you're required to register online in TAMIS. Use these steps to submit your tax registration in TAMIS. Take note of the following items you need before you begin your re-registration:

  • Email address (You MUST have access to this email)
  • Current TIN/National Registration Number
  • Access to your ETAX account for those doing re-registrations (in order to answer security question)
  • Bank account or credit union details
  • Tax agent or accountant TIN (optional)
  • Scanned copy or photo of your I.D. card or driver's licence (Max file size is 2MB) (OPTIONAL)

STEP 1 - Go to

STEP 2 - Click "Register Now" & follow directions to create your account

STEP 3 - You will receive an activation email. Click the link in the email

STEP 4 - An "Activation successful" message will appear and you will receive another email with your username e.g. janedoe1

STEP 5 - Log into the TAMIS website with our username (janedoe1) and password created at STEP 2

STEP 6 - Once logged in, you will need to complete three simple security questions 

STEP 7 - Click "OK" on the Account configuration page & then click "Register New Taxpayer"

STEP 8 - On the "Registration type" page, if you were previously registered in ETAX choose "I am an authorised person or agent re-registering an individual taxpayer already registered in eTax or VETAS". However, if this is the first time you're registering for tax choose: "I am an authorised person or agent registering a new individual taxpayer"

*NB* If you have not filed a tax return since your 2010 tax return, for "Registration Type" you will need to choose the option "I'm an authorised person or agent registering a new individual taxpayer".

STEP 9 - On the "Tax Details" page, choose January 1, 2018 as your Commencement date. Complete the registration form and click "Submit Application"

STEP 10 - A "Confirmation" message will appear either with your new TIN e.g. 1000546204773 or a registration case reference Number e.g. REG5039. If you receive a REG number, it simply means that a tax officer has to have a second look at your registration and once approved, you will receive your newly required TIN via email & in your TAMIS tracker.